Mr Elliott
Teacher: Mr Elliott

Rowan Class

Summer B 2024

 This term we will be learning about the following topics!


Great Britain, Great Britons

Children find out about well-known and influential Britons in the world of art, design and craft. This encompasses people from past/present who work with any given medium eg textiles, paint, clay, digital media. Using a range of digital literacy skills, children research at least one artist/designer and compile a biography about them, recording this digitally. They will also try to emulate the work of their chosen artist/designer using the appropriate media.

Andy Goldsworthy Sculptures, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory


Child of Our Time

Children carry out a local history study ‘through the lens of a child’. They explore what childhood was like in their local area through the ages, identifying similarities and differences. They study well-known children’s authors from the past.

How to declutter kids' toys - Donate and recycle children's toys